Maria Loos
Maria Loos is an internationally sought-after interpreter of early and contemporary music. She presents herself as an outstanding artistic personality who impresses audiences and the press with her spirited playing, her showy virtuosity and her sense for extraordinary sound refinements. Concert engagements have taken the artist to the Salzburg Festival, Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Tage Alter Musik Osnabrück, Alte Musik Wien, Handel Festival Halle, Solistenkonzerte Villach, Schloss Nymphenburg, Schloss Schleißheim, Schloss Goldegg, Friedenauer Kammerkonzerte, Residenz Salzburg and many more.
She was awarded the Pasticcio Prize for her CD “Piazzolla/Vivaldi”. The CD “Women4baroque” was nominated for the IACM (International Award for Classical Music) 2023.
She composed and played parts of the film music for Stephan Laur's film “Bewegte Stille”.
With her ensemble Spirit of Musicke, she attracts attention with extraordinary programming at concert series and Early Music Festivals and devotes herself intensively to female baroque composers.
In addition to baroque music, she works closely with composers of new music such as Anna Rubin, Drake Mabry and José Carli, whose works she has premiered.
As a soloist she has performed with orchestras such as the Ensemble Prisma Wien, the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, the Salzburger Hofmusik, the Würzburger Bachcollegium, the Leopold-Mozart-Kammerorchester, the Philharmonisches Kammerorchester Wernigerode, the Kammerorchester Saarbrücken, the Freisinger Hofmusik, the Kammerorchester Kaiserslautern, the Amadeus Consort and the Michael Haydn-Ensemble.
She has participated in numerous CD and radio recordings and teaches international courses.
Since 2006, she has been regularly invited to concert tours and master classes in South America and the USA.
In 2008 she was “artist in residence” at the I.U.P. Festival, Pennsylvania/U.S.A.
Maria Loos is co-author of the teaching book “Blockflöte spielen und lernen”, published by Schott-Verlag and a juror at various recorder competitions.
She teaches at the Musikum Salzburg, her students are regular prizewinners at Prima la Musica and Jugend musiziert.
In 2024 she has a teaching position at the Mozarteum Salzburg.
Maria Loos received her training at the Mozarteum Salzburg and at the Leipzig University of Music (Robert Ehrlich) as well as at numerous masterclasses given by renowned recorder players such as Han Tol, Karel van Steenhoven, Dorothee Oberlinger, Gerd Lünenenbürger and Carin van Heerden. She passed her master's degree in music and dance education and her concert exam “with distinction”.