

Annette Fauvel


Univ.-Prof. for Design practice / Design: Technology.TextileDepartment Fine Arts & Design

Annette Fauvel studied textile design in Stuttgart, Tallinn and Halle, where she completed her Bachelor's and Master's degrees and was subsequently awarded a graduate scholarship from Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. After completing her artistic qualification in product design at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, Annette Fauvel will take over the professorship for Design: Technology.Textile.

In addition to numerous freelance projects with companies, institutes and museums, Annette Fauvel worked as a textile designer for Nya Nordiska and as a product and range developer for Manufactum following her studies before devoting herself to teaching in 2018: As an artistic collaborator, she worked with renowned visiting professors and supervised product design students at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, as well as taking on teaching assignments for textile technology and materials science at various design universities.

Her teaching focuses on sustainable, circular and social design: design creates knowledge and awareness and - in collaboration with other disciplines - creates results in the form of materials and textiles, but also products, tools, concepts, processes, systems, services and communication strategies that help us on our way to a more ecologically and socially sustainable future. In 2022, she developed and facilitated the 6-month hybrid training programme ‘Circular Design: Material Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ for the Goethe-Institut Jordan, which was designed for 30 participants from Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon.

At the University of Kassel, she also supervised social entrepreneurs, coordinated interdisciplinary service learning projects and was involved in setting up the SDG+ Lab, the sustainability laboratory at the University of Kassel.