The winners of the excellent Master's theses 2022/2023 are Viktoria Anna Hirschhuber, Christiaan Josef Willemse, Giorgio Musolesi and Iris Vonolfen - congratulations!
Award for Excellent Master Theses 2022/23 Awards & Successes -
7.5.2024Yoshihisa Matthias Kinoshita zu Gast am Mozarteum Innsbruck
On 15 June, choral conductor Yoshihisa Matthias Kinoshita will be holding a workshop on the topic of "Voice training with children - attitude in children's choir conducting" at the Department of Music Education in Innsbruck, organised by the Centre for Choral Education Research and Practice (ZECHOF) - participation is free!
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On the future of Music Education On April 4 and 5, 2024, the 24th "Music Didactics Austria" conference took place at Frohnburg Castle of the Mozarteum University in cooperation with the Salzburg Education Directorate and the Salzburg University of Teacher Education. After an opening by Vice-Rector Mario Kostal and Daniela Gutschi, State Councillor for Education, a video message from Vice-Rector Matteo Carmignola of the Salzburg University of Teacher Education and a keynote speech by Martina Müller (BMBWF), the conference focused on the future of music education.
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Together with children and young people, the inter- and transdisciplinary CreART Lab is being developed in collaboration with partners from the fields of art & culture, science & technology, education & outreach, and in cooperation with regional companies and networks. A mobile experimental space that, in the spirit of the guiding principle "Co-Creating Change!", is intended to inspire, motivate and support children and young people to (co-)create change.
Research project
Initiative against the music teacher shortage On 29 February, the Mozarteum University hosted a special meeting on the topic of "music teacher shortage" for the first time - numerous representatives of important musical institutions from Upper Austria, Salzburg and Upper Bavaria sat down together to discuss the current situation and develop sensible measures.
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About memorizing in music Memorizing music plays an important role for instrumentalists and has been little researched to date. Elisabeth Eder took on this topic in her dissertation and was able to identify or categorize 100 learning strategies and show aspects that support memorization.
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28.11.2023Interdisciplinary cultural work with a focus on research
On November 27, the 2023 Cultural Fund Awards of the City of Salzburg were presented at the Solitär. Among others, Andreas Bernhofer, Thomas Ballhausen and Gordon Safari from the Mozarteum University were honored.
Awards & Successes -
30.8.2023InKonTakt: Call for papers
The conference In(Kon-)Takt - Connecting generations through music follows on from the future workshop on intergenerational singing and music-making held in Vechta in 2022. Interested scientists, music educators, music educators, teachers in the field of music education, music school directors, choir directors and artists are invited to submit contributions relevant to the topic.
Open Call -
Award for Excellent Master Theses 2021/22 The winners of the excellent master theses 2021/2022 are Patric Pletzenauer, Franziska Schneider, Tamara Obermayr and Friederike Klek - congratulations!
Awards & Successes -
Awards & Achievements in ZKF Music Theory Independent scientific publications, peer-reviewed conference papers and teaching assignments at renowned institutions: Our students contribute significantly to representing the Mozarteum University in artistic-scientific research and pedagogy in music theory nationally and internationally. Congratulations to our students in the ZKF Music Theory.
Awards & Successes
10.2.2023International Perspectives on Inter- and Transcultural Choral Pedagogical Research & Practice (IPITCH)
In the meeting with selected experts from the South-East Asian choral scene (Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines), the long-term aim is to develop an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented training of choral teachers (school music, IGP (school music, IGP, choral conducting).
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Award of Excellence for Elisabeth Eder On December 14, 2022, Elisabeth Eder, a teacher and researcher at the Department of Music Education Salzburg, was awarded the state prize "Award of Excellence" for the 40 best dissertations in Austria in the Aula der Wissenschaften in Vienna.
Awards & Successes -
Open Day at the Department of Music Education Salzburg Save the date: Save the date: On Thursday, March 23, 2023, the next Open Day for the music pedagogical study programs at the Mozarteum University will take place - details to follow!
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How to carry out virtual choir rehearsals with the help of digital tools A new research project at the Department of Music Education Innsbruck deals with virtual rehearsals and music making in digital and virtual space, which require communication in real time. The project investigates the use of digital tools in the cultural field, especially to support choirs.
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New music and arts education program for schools With the Moz-Art-Zone, the Mozarteum University will offer an expanded music and art education program starting in the winter semester of 2022/23 with an interdisciplinary offering that aims to awaken enthusiasm and interest in students and opens the doors of the university wide for this purpose.
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Outlook for the International Days Under the theme "Sharing", this new event format will enable encounters and networking between all pedagogical fields of study at the Mozarteum University.
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Ars Docendi recognition award for cross-university seminar concept Award for the cooperation project of the Mozarteum University and the University of Vechta
Awards & Successes -
22.6.2021Carmina Burana: University Mozarteum as guest in SZENE Salzburg
On 25 and 26 June 2021, the SZENE Salzburg will be the setting for one of the most popular choral works of the 20th century: Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana".