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  • Hänsel & Gretel | © Fabian Helmich

    With her production, Rosamund Gilmore embarked on a journey into the subconscious and combined the deep psychological layers of the fairy tale with the film-visualized works of Claudia Lehmann's students.

    Opera production
  • Bühnenbild von Mirjam Stängl, Zwiegespräch, Akademietheater Wien | © Susanne Haller-Smith

    Awards & Successes
  • Elissa / Dido & Aeneas | © Fabian Helmich
    With Baroque Summer Academy as guest in Siena 

    Numerous master classes, a contemporary BaroqueLab, concerts and an opera production: The Baroque Summer Academy of the Department of Early Music of the Mozarteum University will take place for the third time in 2023 within the framework of the renowned Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, Italy. A highlight in 2023 is the performance of the baroque opera "Dido & Aeneas" by H. Purcell with contemporary prologue and epilogue "Elissa" by Henry Fourès and Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr. "Elissa" was successfully premiered at the Mozarteum University in June 2023.

  • v.l.n.r.: Sophie Thammer, Juliette Larat, Giulia Giammona, Colin Johner, Laura Trilsam, Vizerektorin Anastasia Weinberger, Bildungsminister Martin Polaschek, Rektorin Elisabeth Gutjahr, Matteo Ivan Rašić, Joachim Gottfried Goller | © Christian Schneider
    #salzburgerfestspiele: Martin Polaschek and students in conversation 

    Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek was a guest at the Mozarteum University on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 and congratulated students on their various engagements at the Salzburg Festival. In a conversation lasting just under an hour, the students told how their engagements came about and why the Salzburg Festival can be an important stage for the future.

  • Cosí fan tutte | © Judith Buss
    Wolfgang Amadé Mozart: Così fan tutte 

    The young officers Ferrando and Guilelmo* do not want to let their fatherly friend Don Alfonso get away with it - after all, he doubts the fidelity of their fiancée! But instead of the demanded duel, they accept his proposal of a wager and thus become handmaidens in the work of destroying their love relationships.

    Opera production