Salzburg AG Art Prize 2025

Data whispers: Making the invisible visible. Salzburg AG endeavours to promote artistic exploration of the topic of ‘energy’. The Salzburg AG Art Prize for students of the Mozarteum University Salzburg is intended to honour outstanding projects in the field of visual arts and make a lasting contribution to artistic reflection.
Elisabeth Gerwin
Staff Unit Relationship Management
Submission deadline: 1 March 2025 0:00 - 30 April 2025, 23:59
Genre: Visual arts
Prize money: The prize money for the Salzburg AG Art Prize 2025 is EUR 10,000
Use of the prize money
The prizewinner undertakes to use the prize money to realise an exhibition including a vernissage at a selected Salzburg AG location within one year of receiving the prize. The location and duration of the exhibition must be agreed with Salzburg AG.
Submission of the works
The submitted works are to be sent digitally to:
The documents submitted must include
- an artistic curriculum vitae stating the field(s) of study,
- an exhibition concept,
- a short video (max. 2-3 minutes) explaining the submitted project and
- bear the note ‘Salzburg AG_Kunstpreis_25_NACHNAME_VORNAME’ in the title.
Conditions of participation and application requirements
Eligible to participate are regular students in bachelor, master, diploma or doctoral programmes at the Mozarteum University Salzburg. The artistic works should deal with the following theme:
- Making the invisible visible.
Data whispers. Networks. - Networks - electricity networks, data networks - determine our lives, but we can only live through a complex ecological system.
- The art prize promotes works of art in the field of visual arts that make the invisible visible, perceptible or tangible.
A high-calibre selection committee will choose the winner from all entries in May 2025. The decision of the selection committee is final and will be announced without explanation.
The award ceremony will take place in October 2025.
The award-winning works are to be presented as part of an exhibition including a vernissage at a selected Salzburg AG location (1st Edition 2025: Rotunda at Salzburg AG headquarters, Bayerhamerstr. 16 in 5020 Salzburg).
The exhibition must be realised within one year of the award (October 2025-September 2026). The exact period and duration of the exhibition must be agreed with Salzburg AG.
Contact for questions and concerns:
Elisabeth Gerwin, Staff Unit Relationship Management
+43 676 88122 423