Illustration einer Trompete


Department / Institute
Show 23 of 591 news
  • © Privat

    In cooperation between the Mozarteum University and the Andreas Hofer Society, the newly reconstructed collection of works by the former Salzburg court conductor Andreas Hofer ‘ver sacrum seu flores musici’ was performed on both sides of the border between Germany and Austria in 2021.

  • © Elsa Okazaki
    Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! 

    In autumn 2024, bass-baritone Lisandro Abadie, actress Hanna Binder, conductor Christiane Büttig, visual artist Annette Fauvel, guitarists Giuseppe Feola and Bozhana Pavlova, cultural and media scientist Paul Feigelfeld, composer Laure M. Hiendl, pianist Lei Meng, soprano Allison Oakes and violist German Tcakulov will take up their positions as university professors at the Mozarteum University. We are looking forward to the collaboration!

    Press release
  • VOCES8 | © Andy Staples

    The English vocal ensemble Voces8 is one of the world's leading a cappella formations. The three ladies and five gentlemen set standards in unaccompanied solo singing in terms of intonation, legato culture, vocal homogeneity and stylistic diversity. Voces8 celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2023. At the invitation of the Mozarteum University and the Salzburg Bach Society, the ensemble will be available for a workshop on November 20.

  • v.l.n.r.: Sophie Thammer, Juliette Larat, Giulia Giammona, Colin Johner, Laura Trilsam, Vizerektorin Anastasia Weinberger, Bildungsminister Martin Polaschek, Rektorin Elisabeth Gutjahr, Matteo Ivan Rašić, Joachim Gottfried Goller | © Christian Schneider
    #salzburgerfestspiele: Martin Polaschek and students in conversation 

    Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek was a guest at the Mozarteum University on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 and congratulated students on their various engagements at the Salzburg Festival. In a conversation lasting just under an hour, the students told how their engagements came about and why the Salzburg Festival can be an important stage for the future.

  • Sea Symphony - Dom zu Salzburg | © Michael Klimt
    Choir work at the highest level: Musical town twinning Salzburg-Dresden 

    The weekend around 1 May at the University was marked by an extraordinary musical bridge-building between Salzburg and Dresden: with a cappella singing and choral symphonies, "night" and "sea", word and sound, the Dresden University Choir and the choirs of the Mozarteum University combined to create a multi-layered, dazzling spectrum of sound.
