How to find myself through Mozart

How to Find Myself Through Mozart: Lived Art with Salzburg Young People is an artistic-visual and scientific project that was implemented in cooperation with the University of Salzburg and the University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Paracelsus Medical Private University.
Idomeneo, KV 366
A project by
Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring and Belinda Plattner
Musical interpretation
Salzburg youth
An artistic-visual and scientific project.
Young people undergoing inpatient and day-care treatment at the University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine work on Mozart’s work in a musical-scenic and innovative-media way with the support of a collective of artists. Artistic-creative workshops (choir, music, textiles, dance, directing, film) around the theme “Idomeneo / content-related references to contemporary issues” stimulate creative and experiential processes on different sensory levels. Singing, making music, working with material, movement, media design become an integrative part of the therapeutic process.
Mozart’s person, the specificity of crisis and genius, the generational conflict of father and son as well as social phenomena of decline and hope are seen as a historically overarching phenomenon of youth. Self-creation is in the foreground, the creative process as a counterpoint to crisis. Reinventing oneself as a way of finding oneself.
The resulting images, the accompanying film and the media distribution invite the viewer to capture and experience the kaleidoscope of experiences and empower the trans- and intergenerational language of art as a medium.
The accompanying medical-psychological research serves the evidence-based establishment of art in medicine.
In cooperation with the inter-university institution “Wissenschaft & Kunst” of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the University Mozartuem Salzburg, as well as the University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Paracelsus Medical Private University and the art collective “gold extra”.