Prelude to the Carl Orff Anniversary
Press release

Orff's 125th birthday, the 100th anniversary of Wilhelm Keller and the 60th anniversary of the Orff Institute in 2021 - one year late due to corona - offer an occasion to illuminate Carl Orff's trend-setting work from an artistic and scientific perspective.
With his scenic cantata "Carmina Burana" he created one of the most popular and most quoted choral works of the 20th century, with his innovative music pedagogical approach a foundation stone for a new model of music and movement education: the idea of developing the musical-rhythmic feeling out of movement. Interdisciplinary between music, movement and language, Orff's concept of elementary music forces from the beginning to think creative music making and musical learning out of improvisation. The Orff Institute at the University Mozarteum Salzburg takes up this idea and is as unique in its nature and orientation worldwide as the ideas of its namesake. It offers a place for research-led teaching and is the center of a worldwide network of music and dance pedagogy. In doing so, the Orff Institute sets significant impulses and new standards both nationally and internationally. The Orff Institute celebrates the 125th birthday of Carl Orff with a lecture series, an exhibition and a two-day symposium. Program: Lecture series: "Carl Orff - Facets of his artistic-pedagogical work" Starting March 16, 2021, every Tuesday from 5:30-7:00 p.m. (online) For students and all interested parties, invited experts will address selected topics related to Carl Orff's compositional work and his impulses for music education in lectures. The detailed program for the lectures and the participation links can be found in the event calendar of the Mozarteum University. Exhibition: "Carl Orff - Humanist Against the Current of Time" April 27, 2021, 7:30 p.m., Foyer of the Mozarteum University Salzburg In the foyer of the Mozarteum University Salzburg, the exhibition "Carl Orff - Humanist Against the Current of Time", conceived by the Orff Center Munich, will be opened with a vernissage. It presents all stage works and the "Schulwerk" of Carl Orff with original quotations. The exhibition is on view until July 5, 2021. Symposium: "Art Meets Pedagogy" July 2-3, 2021, Frohnburg The symposium: "Art Meets Pedagogy" is dedicated to the comprehensive compositional and pedagogical work of Carl Orff and Wilhelm Keller in lectures, workshops and performances for children and adults on the first weekend in July. With theoretical and practical impulses, musical-dance work in social diversity and inclusion will be conveyed. The ceremonial act "Tempus est ioncundum" already opens the anniversary weekend on Friday, July 2, with a panel discussion and artistic program by students and faculty, in keeping with the anniversary motto: "Joyful is the time!" (Carmina Burana) Admission to the events is free. Registrations at: Carl Orff is also present at the Mozarteum University outside of the anniversary program, inspiring new perspectives and innovative approaches. Anna Josefine Holzer is a music and dance educator (BA), certified art therapist, freelance artist in the fields of music, dance and performance, and has been completing the master's program at the Orff Institute since 2020. Her master's thesis "Pandora - Yours of Tomorrow" is a cross-generational dance and music project that will be realized at the elementary school Aigen in Salzburg in the school year 2020/2021. On 25.6 or 2.7.2021 the performance will take place with the participation of all 120 students, their parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers and staff of the school as a dialogue between the generations in the Max Schlereth Hall of the Mozarteum University.