Co-CreART cooperation project wins the Sustainability Award 2024 in Gold

Press release
© Sacha Gillen

Head of Section Elmar Pichl, BMBWF and Head of Section Christian Holzer, BMK presented the Sustainability Award 2024 in Gold to the Co-CreART project team yesterday. Co-Creating Change! Vice-Rector Mario Kostal and Elke Zobl from the Inter-University Science & Art Centre accepted the award at a festive awards ceremony in the Vienna Boys' Choir Concert Hall. 

Enquiries about the project:

  • Co-CreART. Co-Creating Change!


Pictured at the award ceremony from left to right: Elmar Pichl (BMBWF), Mario Kostal (Mozarteum University Salzburg), Elke Zobl (Science & Art, Paris Lodron University Salzburg), Christian Holzer (BMK) and jury member Klaus Taschwer. Copyright: Sacha Gillen/Forum Environmental Education 

The meeting of art, science and technology is at the centre of the inter- and transdisciplinary project ‘Co-CreART. Co-Creating Change Transdisciplinary Lab for Transformation’ project. Together with children and young people, the CreART Lab will be developed over the next few years, a mobile mediation space with offers to explore innovative ideas and possible solutions on the topics of sustainable building and living as well as climate-friendly mobility in a variety of ways. The special thing about it is that artistic-creative and scientific-technical approaches are intertwined and problems are addressed from different perspectives and in dialogue with stakeholders from a wide variety of fields.

From March 2026, the CreART Lab will go on tour and make stops at schools, museums and in public spaces, for example. As one of 12 projects out of 182 submissions, ‘Co-CreART. Co-Creating Change’ came out on top in the “Learning” category. “The project team is delighted with the award and that the prize money will enable us to involve even more young people in the development of the mobile CreART Lab,” emphasises project manager Maria Kalleitner-Huber.

Co-CreART is a project of the Mozarteum University Salzburg in cooperation with the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, located at the Inter-University Centre for Science and Art. Other cooperation partners include: the state of Salzburg, the city of Salzburg, Holzcluster Salzburg, Spürnasenecke, Pioniergarage, Verein Spektrum, Radiofabrik Salzburg, FS1 Salzburg, Bildungsdirektion Salzburg, BG Seekirchen and HTBLuVA Salzburg. 

  • Project management: Katharina Anzengruber PhD, Department of Music Education at the Mozarteum University Salzburg (on maternity leave), DI Maria Kalleitner-Huber and Sandra Kobel, MA 
  • Funding organisation: Climate and Energy Fund, Co-Creation Spaces Climate & Energy 2022
  • Funding organisation: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
  • Project volume: 650,000 euros

The Sustainability Award for Austria's higher education institutions and universities is presented by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and honours those projects/initiatives that address the complex interrelationships between the ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions of sustainable development as defined by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs).

The Sustainability Award is presented every two years in four categories: learning, research, anchoring and cooperation. For each category, the Sustainability Award 2024 will be presented once in gold and twice in silver by an international jury of representatives from science, practice and the media. It is endowed with € 3,000 and € 1,000 respectively. The trophies presented are small biospheres. They were designed and constructed by the Viennese artist Anatol Stelzhammer as part of a competition. Each one is unique.


Wie werden wir in Zukunft bauen und (zusammen)wohnen? Wie werden wir uns fortbewegen? Und: Wie können Kunst und Wissenschaft hier zusammenwirken und sich gegenseitig inspirieren? Diese Fragen stehen im Projekt Co-CreART im Mittelpunkt.