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The ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) was founded in 1994 and today consists of more than 80 universities in about 20 countries. The university network aims to promote research and teaching activities between member universities in Europe and Southeast Asia (in Indonesia, Iran*, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan*, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam).

Project implementation period
October 1 , 2022 - September 30, 2023

Deadline for submission
January 31, 2023  

* Associate members

ASEA-UNINET Austria receives funding from the BMBWF. This funds approximately one hundred bilateral and multilateral cooperation projects between Austrian and Southeast Asian member universities each year.


  • All universities involved in the project must be ASEA-UNINET (full) members or candidate members, hereinafter referred to as member universities. The current ASEA-UNINET member universities including the "Candidate Members" can be found on the ASEA-UNINET website at
  • All beneficiary project participants must be members of the Austrian, ASEAN or Pakistani member university(ies) at the time of project implementation. Member university/s at the time of project implementation. Beneficiaries: Doctoral students and scientists (clinical traineeship projects are excluded from this restriction).
  • Project applications are to be submitted exclusively via the SCHOLARSHIPS.AT tool. The link to the online application form is: Applicants can only access the form via this link.
  • The following university members of an Austrian member university are entitled to submit a project application:
    • a. who hold a professorship or are habilitated
    • b. Members of the rectorate
    • c. Heads of an organisational unit with tasks in research, development and development of the arts or in teaching.
  • Other university members are eligible to apply under the following condition: They must enclose a short letter of recommendation with the application. This must be issued either by a member of the rectorate of the applicant university (group b) or by a member of group a or c of the assigned organisational unit.
  • A maximum of 2 projects per eligible applicant can be submitted (in very justified exceptional cases even more - decision by coordinator plus board member). If (also) projects that could not be carried out due to COVID-19 are applied for again, the number of applications increases to a maximum of 4 projects per eligible applicant. Clinical traineeship projects are excluded from these restrictions.
  • A maximum of 6 funded mobilities per project (in justified exceptional cases also more - decision by coordinator plus board member). Clinical traineeship projects are excluded from this restriction.
    Funding can be provided for the initiation of a cooperation project as well as for the implementation of a cooperation project, whereby the types/amounts of funding differ considerably (see these guidelines). An initiation is, for example, the first (and rather vague) cooperation with a member university.
  • Funded duration of stay:
    • a. Initiation of cooperation projects (beneficiaries are exclusively scientists, no doctoral students): up to 7 working days (per mobility)
    • b. Implementation of Cooperation Projects (beneficiaries are scientists and doctoral students, clinical traineeships are excluded from this rule): The minimum duration of stay per mobility is 1 week (shorter stays must be convincingly presented and approved by the Executive Board), the maximum duration of stay is 3 months.
  • Short trips undertaken exclusively for the purpose of giving lectures or attending congresses are not supported.
  • Ad Famulatures: Application (as before) in the course of the project call. The duration of a clinical traineeship within the framework of ASEA-UNINET must be four weeks. Proportional funding is NOT possible for shorter stays. In order to be eligible for funding, the student must register with the OeAD via SCHOLARSHIPS.AT.
  • The minimum teaching performance for project applications that exclusively involve a guest teaching stay is 1 SWS (14 lecture units of 45 minutes each), official confirmation required. The performance for postgraduate teaching must be stated in ECTS.
  • If several Austrian member universities are involved in a project, each member university must submit a separate application (incl. reference to the partner application).
  • Project applications must be submitted to the OeAD via the online tool SCHOLARSHIPS.AT. After a formal check by the OeAD, the applications will be released for the ASEA-UNINET coordinator of the university concerned as well as for the "experts" named by him/her.
  • The coordinator of the applying Austrian ASEA-UNINET member university/candidate member university is responsible for reviewing the content of the project proposals. In the obligatory "collective application" to be signed by the coordinator, he/she specifies which of the submitted projects should be funded by ASEA-UNINET and for which amount. The collective application must be prepared after the end of the deadline for the submission of (individual) project applications within a period specified in the call.
  • The distribution of the awarded proportional funding amounts (travel costs, stipend rates, material costs) can be varied (virementable) as long as the total amount awarded remains unchanged.
    For projects that cannot be carried out/completed by the end of Sep. 2023 for serious reasons, the consumption period can be extended to max. the end of Dec. 2023. Prerequisite: Informal application with justification by e-mail to AND approval by ASEA-UNINET National Coordinator (deadline for application: end of Sep. 2023).
  • One report per project carried out is obligatory. This report will be published in the ASEA-UNINET Annual Report and, if applicable, excerpts will be published on the websites of the OeAD and ASEA-UNINET.

II. PROMOTION OUTGOING (from Austria to ASEAN partner country or Pakistan)

A. Transcontinental travel costs:
a) Transcontinental airfare (incl. airport taxes) according to FMO (lowest fare)*.
b) Airport transfer
Domestic: public transport, train (taxi only in exceptional cases and with justification) International: public transport, train, taxi: maximum EUR 35,-
c) Taxi within Southeast Asian cities (only on presentation of receipts)

B. Intra-Asian travel expenses:
Flights / train journeys etc. (if necessary, lowest fares)*.

C. Visa fees:
Costs will be covered

D. Vaccinations:
Costs covered only for vaccinations prescribed by the WHO for the destination country/region (see: German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health e.V. (

Total amount of possible travel funding per mobility (A + B + C + D): maximum EUR 1,500

  • no travel expenses for outgoings to Iran

* Only the costs of the cheapest reasonable means of transport are recognised as travel costs (long-distance buses and railways are acceptable up to a journey time of 15 hours for doctoral students and up to a journey time of 7 hours for academics).

E. Scholarship rates:
For the initiation of cooperation projects (maximum duration of 7 working days per mobility): only possible if this is based on reciprocity (written declaration of intent required).

For the implementation of cooperation projects (maximum duration of 3 months per mobility): only applies if the Austrian and/or the foreign institution cannot provide funding/cost absorption.

Scholarship rate for doctoral students:
EUR 1,250/month up to 12 working days EUR 100/working day, thereafter the full scholarship amount.

Scholarship rate for academics:
EUR 1,400/month up to 14 working days EUR 100/working day, thereafter full scholarship amount

  • No scholarships for outgoings to Iran

F. Funding of material costs:
If absolutely necessary to achieve the project's objectives!
When initiating cooperation projects: max. EUR 1,500 per project When implementing cooperation projects: max. EUR 3,000 per project

Funding exclusively for students of the ASEA-UNINET Medical Universities in Austria, the Medical Faculty of the JKU and the University of Veterinary Medicine.

(One-time) scholarship rate for clinical trainees: EUR 750,- / four-week stay


III. FUNDING INCOMING (from ASEAN partner country or Pakistan to Austria)

Due to the special guideline for the funding programme 'Measures for Internationalisation' of the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research, which came into force, funding of travel costs is no longer possible for incoming mobilities (see: SRL, 2019, pp. 14-15).

Scholarship rates:
Scholarship rate for doctoral students:
EUR 1,250/month up to 12 working days EUR 100/working day, thereafter the full scholarship amount.

Scholarship rate for academics:
EUR 1,400/month up to 14 working days EUR 100/working day, thereafter full scholarship amount

  •  No scholarships for incoming students from Iran


If you have any questions, please contact the International Office.

Policy details (Opens in new tab)