Starting your Studies

Luftbild des Mozarteum mit Vorplatz | © Veigl Fotografie

With the positive completion of the admission examination, the first big step towards studying at the Mozarteum University has been taken. With the enrolment now follows the official entry into student life. Here students can find useful information on getting started - from creating an account for MOZonline to registering for courses and tips for student life.

Study & Examination Management
+43 676 88122 492

Mirabellplatz 1
5020 Salzburg  



Online pre-registration

All those who do not yet have a MOZonline basic account (the application account is not sufficient) must register on MOZonline.

Enrolment at Mirabellplatz 1

Enrolment is only possible in person at the Service Point (Mirabellplatz 1, EG004), on presentation of:

  • Registration form
  • Passport or identity card (original + copy)
  • For Master's degree programmes only: Bachelor's degree certificate (original + copy)
  • For postgraduate courses only: Master's degree certificate (original + copy)

Please note: All documents must comply with the certification regulations. Enrolment is only possible by appointment at

Upon successful enrolment, students will receive:

  • Payment slip for transferring the ÖH fee and - if necessary - the tuition fee.
  • Student ID card
  • PIN code to activate MOZonline

MOZonline account

Registration with MOZonline is possible at the earliest three days after payment of the ÖH fee and, if applicable, the tuition fee. You will need:

PIN code, which students receive upon enrolment
Matriculation number, stated on the student ID card, which students receive upon enrolment.
Date of birth

In MOZonline students can

  • register for courses
  • change their study and home address
  • print out a study sheet
  • print a confirmation of study
  • Print out confirmation of study period
  • Print course certificates
  • Print certificate of academic achievement

MOZ mail address:

With the MOZonline account, students also have access to their MOZmail address. For data protection reasons, please only use the MOZmail address for communication with the University. Mails from the Mozarteum University will only be sent to the MOZmail address.

Logging in to MOZonline does not work?

If you have never logged into your MOZonline account before, contact  In all other cases (e.g. forgotten password) contact


WLAN is available at all locations of the Mozarteum University. There are 3 variants:

  • WLAN "MOZ" for university members: matriculation number and password
  • WLAN "MOZguest" for guests: access data from the porters
  • WLAN "eduroam": firstname.last and password

Student ID

Activation of the student card

Students receive a student ID card at the Service Point during enrolment. After the MOZonline account has been activated, the ID card can be validated for the current semester.

There are vending machines for this purpose at several locations of the Mozarteum University: If the student card is inserted into the vending machine, it will be extended until the end of the current semester, and the "valid until" date will be printed on it.

Locations of the vending machines in Salzburg:

  • Mirabellplatz 1: ground floor by the two lifts next to the porter's lodge
  • Mozarteum Foundation: basement near the photocopier
  • Orff Institute: ground floor in the corridor near the photocopier
  • KunstWerk in Alpenstraße: ground floor by the coffee machine in front of the photography desk.

Functions of the student card:

  • Booking of practice rooms
  • Access to some buildings
  • As a library card
  • Loading money for printing and copying on all copying and printing machines at the Mozarteum University: The "Moneyloader" is located in the main building, Mirabellplatz 1, next to the porter's lodge.

In addition, students with the ID card often get discounts in Salzburg shops and pubs. Whether it's a bar, bakery or cinema: show your card and ask for a student discount!

Study Planning

Five steps to good planning

Thoughtful planning of semesters and study sections can contribute decisively to the enjoyment of studying, as no deadlines are overlooked, no unnecessary time pressure arises and a semester or academic year is not unexpectedly "lost".

  • Step 1: Study the curriculum carefully (e.g. sometimes there are courses that build on the curriculum and have to be completed in a regular order).
  • Step 2: Seek advice (e.g. on the question of whether compulsory courses are offered every semester, only once per academic year or even less frequently). The tutors and the department secretariats will be happy to help.
  • Step 3: Check the current courses offered in MOZonline.
  • Step 4: Draw up a sensible timetable (with times for rehearsing, studying or writing, but also for the necessary rest, for friends or family, etc.); it is advisable to plan only about 60% of the week as a fixed schedule, to reserve 20% as replacement time for unforeseen events and to leave another 20% completely open.
  • Step 5: Early registration for participation in the desired courses.


Course registration

  • Log in to MOZonline
  • Open student file
  • Click on the curriculum version of the programme for which you want to register for courses. You will now see the curriculum support for the selected degree programme. By clicking on the modules displayed, you can view the courses. In addition to compulsory subjects and electives, you can also register for a selection of free electives on your own.
  • Click on the desired course. If there are several lecturers to choose from, select the desired lecturer and register independently. To view the individual semesters, it is recommended to switch from the "Study plan" view to the "Semester plan" view above.
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