Departments, Divisions, Institutes
Historical aspects of the Mozarteum University
Published by
art ARCHIVE Room, University Mozarteum 2019

From its foundation as Austria s first public music school, the Mozarteum, today one of the most renowned art universities worldwide, was subject to constant change.over the decades, the legal status of the Mozarteum has changed from that of a nationalized conservatory to that of a university, and with it the internal structures have also changed: school subjects, later teaching subjects, have become subject groups and seminars, and with the elevation of the Mozarteum to a university of applied sciences, these have become departments. According to the specific interests and challenges, institutes were established, in the short term also managed as departments. In order to better understand this development and also to date it, the present publication was created. In order to better illustrate the development of the departments, each was preceded by a grid, which presents the chronological development as an overview