Walter Bittner | © Christian Schneider

Walter Michael Bittner

Piano and harpsichord tunersFacility Management

Walter Bittner is a fanatical music lover - his religion is music from T. Albinoni to Frank Zappa - and became a piano technician and tuner almost against his will. For many years, he rescued old family heirlooms from being scrapped and made pianos playable again before becoming increasingly active in the concert business. Shortly before his retirement, Walter Bittner finally became a university lecturer for "Instrumental Piano Studies".

Walter Bittner's first lessons took place when he was kindergarten in his father's piano workshop: take down the moth-eaten balance beam discs of a Viennese mechanism grand piano with the tweezers - which he inherited and use to this day - and replace them with new ones. Her color: red! In addition to attending elementary school, high school and not completing his studies, Walter Bittner earned his pocket money by helping out in his father's business. In 1982, for family reasons, Walter Bittner applied for a trade license as a piano tuner. In the same year he met master piano builder Werner Fuchs and deepened his knowledge through the collaboration. Since May 2018 he has been working as a piano and harpsichord tuner at the Mozarteum University.