Ilse Strauß-Weisz
Ilse Strauß-Weisz teaches teaching practice and recorder didactics at the Mozarteum University and gives artistic private lessons. A great concern of hers is the mediation of music for a young audience - in this field she cooperates with the Tyrolean Regional Museums, the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, the youth baroque orchestra Streicherey and the concert series Innsbrucker Abendmusik.
As a co-initiator of ConTakt, a platform for early music in Tyrol, she has been working intensively on various aspects of performance practice for eight years now and is investigating the question of new concert formats. An interdisciplinary approach is important to her in the concert programs with the Ensemble Rosarum Flores, which she founded. Dealing with and playing music with historical instruments sometimes presents you with unexpected challenges. At the music school of the city of Innsbruck, she is responsible for the recorder area as a specialist group leader and can therefore ideally point out current teaching topics.