Illustration einer Trompete


Department / Institute
Show 185 of 558 news
  • Musiker mit Kontrabass, neben ihm zwei Holzmarionetten | © Christian Schneider
    ARCO 2024: Application start 

    Applications for ARCO - Art, Research and Creation Opus 2024 are now open! The French-Austrian Academy for Contemporary Composition, a cooperation between the Mozarteum University and the GMEM - Centre national de création musicale Marseille, will take place in Salzburg from 3 to 13 July 2024.

  • Elisabeth Eder mit Gedächtniskarten | © Christian Schneider
    About memorizing in music 

    Memorizing music plays an important role for instrumentalists and has been little researched to date. Elisabeth Eder took on this topic in her dissertation and was able to identify or categorize 100 learning strategies and show aspects that support memorization.

  • Mayumi Hirasaki & Max Volbers | © Harald Hoffmann / Theresa Pewal
    New Early Music 

    Recorder player Max Volbers and baroque violinist Mayumi Hirasaki were recently awarded an OPUS KLASSIK 2023. A conversation about the lively character of early music, the search for the new and the intensive research into the repertoire at the Department of Early Music at the Mozarteum University.

  • Preisträger*innen der Kulturfondpreise Stadt Salzburg 2023 | © Wildbild/Doris Wild

    On November 27, the 2023 Cultural Fund Awards of the City of Salzburg were presented at the Solitär. Among others, Andreas Bernhofer, Thomas Ballhausen and Gordon Safari from the Mozarteum University were honored.

    Awards & Successes
  • VOCES8 | © Andy Staples

    The English vocal ensemble Voces8 is one of the world's leading a cappella formations. The three ladies and five gentlemen set standards in unaccompanied solo singing in terms of intonation, legato culture, vocal homogeneity and stylistic diversity. Voces8 celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2023. At the invitation of the Mozarteum University and the Salzburg Bach Society, the ensemble will be available for a workshop on November 20.

  • Elissa / Dido & Aeneas | © Fabian Helmich
    With Baroque Summer Academy as guest in Siena 

    Numerous master classes, a contemporary BaroqueLab, concerts and an opera production: The Baroque Summer Academy of the Department of Early Music of the Mozarteum University will take place for the third time in 2023 within the framework of the renowned Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, Italy. A highlight in 2023 is the performance of the baroque opera "Dido & Aeneas" by H. Purcell with contemporary prologue and epilogue "Elissa" by Henry Fourès and Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr. "Elissa" was successfully premiered at the Mozarteum University in June 2023.

  • 21.8.2023
    International Summer Academy selects 12 award winners 

    After four intensive weeks with 520 participants from 51 nations, 51 master classes and 16 additional courses with a focus on musicians' health as well as around 60 public events, the International Summer Academy 2023 came to an end last week with much positive feedback. Twelve young artists were also awarded prizes of 1,000 euros each, sponsored by the Cultural Fund of the City of Salzburg.

  • Rektorin Elisabeth Gutjahr mit den Kompositionsstudenten  Johannes Brömmel, Alfran García und Seung Ju Noh in Marseille. ARCO 2023 | © Stefan David Hummel
    ARCO as guest in Marseille 

    On July 16, this year's edition of the top-class French-Austrian Academy of Composition came to a successful close in Marseille with four concerts. For the first time, the prize winners of the International Mozart Competition were invited to Marseille and performed in the concerts.

  • Illustration einer Trompete
    Awards & Achievements in ZKF Music Theory 

    Independent scientific publications, peer-reviewed conference papers and teaching assignments at renowned institutions: Our students contribute significantly to representing the Mozarteum University in artistic-scientific research and pedagogy in music theory nationally and internationally. Congratulations to our students in the ZKF Music Theory.

    Awards & Successes
  • Oscar Jockel | © Tom Thiele
    Oscar Jockel - conductor and composer 

    Oscar Jockel is currently Kirill Petrenko's conducting assistant with the Berlin Philharmonic and a conducting fellow of the Karajan Academy for two years. He has been appointed the first Composer in Residence of the Brucknerhaus Linz for the 2020/21 season. Previous commissions range from works for solo instruments to sound installations and orchestral works, the latter for the Bruckner Orchestra Linz or the Camerata Salzburg, for example.

    Alumnae & Alumni Stories
  • Elissa / Dido & Aeneas | © Fabian Helmich

    More than 330 years after the premiere of the only complete opera by Henry Purcell, the French composer Henry Fourès composes a setting for Dido and Aeneas and calls it "Elissa". A second name for the queen that allows the character to exist on its own, without direct ties to Aeneas.

    Opera production