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Department / Institute
Show 173 of 502 news
  • Musikpädagogik - Universität Mozarteum | © Michael Klimt & Christian Schneider

    The conference In(Kon-)Takt - Connecting generations through music follows on from the future workshop on intergenerational singing and music-making held in Vechta in 2022. Interested scientists, music educators, music educators, teachers in the field of music education, music school directors, choir directors and artists are invited to submit contributions relevant to the topic.

    Open Call
  • Elissa / Dido & Aeneas | © Fabian Helmich
    With Baroque Summer Academy as guest in Siena 

    Numerous master classes, a contemporary BaroqueLab, concerts and an opera production: The Baroque Summer Academy of the Department of Early Music of the Mozarteum University will take place for the third time in 2023 within the framework of the renowned Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, Italy. A highlight in 2023 is the performance of the baroque opera "Dido & Aeneas" by H. Purcell with contemporary prologue and epilogue "Elissa" by Henry Fourès and Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr. "Elissa" was successfully premiered at the Mozarteum University in June 2023.

  • Oscar Jockel | © Tom Thiele
    Oscar Jockel - conductor and composer 

    Oscar Jockel is currently Kirill Petrenko's conducting assistant with the Berlin Philharmonic and a conducting fellow of the Karajan Academy for two years. He has been appointed the first Composer in Residence of the Brucknerhaus Linz for the 2020/21 season. Previous commissions range from works for solo instruments to sound installations and orchestral works, the latter for the Bruckner Orchestra Linz or the Camerata Salzburg, for example.

    Alumnae & Alumni Stories
  • Elissa / Dido & Aeneas | © Fabian Helmich

    More than 330 years after the premiere of the only complete opera by Henry Purcell, the French composer Henry Fourès composes a setting for Dido and Aeneas and calls it "Elissa". A second name for the queen that allows the character to exist on its own, without direct ties to Aeneas.

    Opera production
  • Sitzende Steinfigur unter Wasser | © Jason deCaires Taylor
    Who am I? 

    More than 330 years after the premiere of the only complete opera by Henry Purcell, the French composer Henry Fourès composes a musical setting for Dido and Aeneas and calls it Elissa. A conversation with Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr, who wrote the libretto for it.

  • Karneval der Tiere - Marionettentheater | © Bernhard Müller

    The production of an "animal trilogy" including Camille Saint-Saëns' "Carnival of the Animals" is already the second major cooperation between the Mozarteum University and the Marionette Theatre. On the violin: Benjamin Schmid.
