Illustration einer Trompete


Department / Institute
Show 55 of 502 news
  • Florentine Klepper | © POLA Studios
    On the sensual telling of stories 

    Florentine Klepper has been Professor of Music Drama (scenic) at the Department of Opera & Music Theatre since the summer semester 2024. In the interview, she provides insights into her working methods, previous and ongoing projects and shares her thoughts on the various facets of music theatre.

  • Lehár Theater Bad Ischl | © Daniel Leitner /
    Evil Operetta 

    As part of the Salzkammergut Capital of Culture 2024, the Lehár Theatre in Bad Ischl, in cooperation with the Mozarteum University and the Lehár Festival, will be the venue for a short operetta festival that aims to revive the operetta condemned by the National Socialists. The aim: short, topical, critical.

  • 4.3.2024

    How does one actually become an actor? How does an acting class work? This is what those interested in acting can try out for themselves for a week during the summer holidays, when the Thomas Bernhard Institute opens the doors of the university wide and sets the stage for the summer camp.

  • Elegie für junge Liebende | © Judith Buss
    Elegy for young lovers 

    "What qualities must a person possess in order to dominate both dramaturgically and vocally in an opera?" and "What must a man of mature age look like who is in close relationships with a crazy old lady, a young girl and a doctor at the same time?"

    Opera production
  • 28.1.2024
    TheaterLab X 2024 

    Theater-interested, -enthusiastic and -newcomers are welcome! Everyone together, citizens, people who live in Salzburg, students and life artists try out together.

  • © Jonin Herzig

    This winter semester, the directing students at the Thomas Bernhard Institute are developing workshop productions based on the examination of contemporary theatre texts. The content of the preparatory courses focussed on the experimental writing of authors.

    Drama production
  • Gernot Sahler | © Elsa Okazaki
    "That's really great music!" 

    Hans Werner Henze's "Elegy for Young Lovers" will be the second production in the 2023/24 winter semester of the Department of Opera & Music Theatre to take to the stage of the Max Schlereth Saal from 26 January. A conversation with maestro Gernot Sahler about so-called "new music", the major challenges for budding artists and insights into pedagogical practice during rehearsals.

  • Hänsel & Gretel | © Fabian Helmich

    With her production, Rosamund Gilmore embarked on a journey into the subconscious and combined the deep psychological layers of the fairy tale with the film-visualized works of Claudia Lehmann's students.

    Opera production
  • Working Borders | © Johanna Mayrhofer
    Working Borders 

    Even in a hyper-eroticized society, hardly any topic is as polarizing as sex work. Whether in feminist debates, political disputes or in private conversations: everyone has an opinion about it. In Johanna Mayrhofer's master's project, sex work as a topic that has always been on the borders of our society is moved from the outskirts to the center of Salzburg in the form of an interactive audio walk.

    Student project
  • Applied Theatre | © Applied Theatre

    Theater-interested, -enthusiastic and -newcomers are welcome! Everyone together, citizens, people who live in Salzburg, students and life artists try out together.
