Scholarships for the Salzburg International Summer Academy

The State of Salzburg/Department for Art and Culture is again awarding scholarships (in the amount of the course fee) for attending the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts from 22 July to 31 August 2024.
ISBK 2024
and students
Applications are open to pupils from Salzburg in the 7th and 8th grades of general secondary schools and from the 3rd grade or 3rd year of vocational schools as well as Salzburg art and architecture students (e.g. at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, the University of Art and Industrial Design Linz, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna and other similar institutions, including abroad).
Application guidelines:
The detailed programme with course descriptions is available on the following website:
Applications must be submitted online via the Summer Academy website. Application in electronic form only. A complete application contains a PDF portfolio with the following documents:
- Completed form
- Short, informative curriculum vitae
- Statement explaining why you are applying and what you expect from participating in a course at the Summer Academy
- Approx. 10 images of your own work (does not apply to applications for theoretical courses - art criticism, curating, writing)
Submission deadline until 28 April 2024
An independent jury will select the scholarship holders and is responsible for allocating them to the classes.
Information and further details ISBK:
Ban Ban
+43 662 842113 oder +43 662 843727