ARCO as guest in Marseille

On July 16, this year's edition of the top-class French-Austrian Academy of Composition came to a successful close in Marseille with four concerts. For the first time, the prize winners of the International Mozart Competition were invited to Marseille. They performed during the concerts.
ARCO - Art, Research and Creation Opus 2023
7-16.7.2023 in Marseille
ARCO is a French-Austrian academy for contemporary composition in cooperation with the GMEM, Centre national de création musicale, L'Association Multilatérale and the Mozarteum University.
In total, ten students (composers, singers, instrumentalists and one conductor) from the Mozarteum University Salzburg were represented. At the two final concerts, with the participation of the renowned ensembles Les Métaboles, Ensemble Multilatérale and Tana Quartet, a total of twelve world premieres by the young composers were presented.
"For the first time, our new composition professor Sarah Nemtsov taught at this year's ARCO Academy in Marseile," Rector Prof. Elisabeth Gutjahr is pleased to announce.
ARCO will take place again in Salzburg next year from July 3 to 13, 2024, as part of the International Summer Academy.