Moz-Art-Zone: Pop-Up Minigolf
Pop-Up Minigolf is a project by students of the teacher training programme Design: Technology.Textiles. The mobile courses including their obstacles were developed as part of a semester project under the direction of Corina Forthuber and Stefano Mori. The game was designed and made in the in-house workshops in Alpenstrasse by the following students: Julia Burgholzer, Clara Elixmann, Vanessa Friedl, Sonja Harrer, Linda Nicolussi, Anna-Sophie Ofner, Martin Rohal, Lukas Stangl, Franca Tildach and Benedikt Veichtlbauer.
Recommended age
8 to 18 years
Programme management
Corina Forthuber, Stefano Mori, Lukas Stangl, Christian Veichtlbauer and Kevin Klinger
Registration until 30 March 2023
Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg