Guided tour of the KunstQuartier

Gerald Klonner leads a guided tour of the KunstQuartier for the focus of Salzburg's music history and talks about the history of the building and talks about the history of the building. This is followed by insights into the Camerata Salzburg, the cooperation focus Science & Art of the Mozarteum University and the PLUS, and much more.
meeting point
Foyer at KunstQuartier Salzburg
Entrance Bergstraße 12
The building on Bergstrasse, still known to many as the former Salzburg Printing Works, where printed works of all kinds were produced until 2008, has housed more than 30 businesses and institutions since its opening as the KunstQuartier, such as rehearsal rooms for the Camerata Salzburg, a violin-making workshop, the Salzburg Amateur Theater Association and the traditional Salzburg publishing house Anton Pustet.
The former hall with newspaper rotary presses was converted into a theater with a multifunctional stage and is now an important venue for events at the Mozarteum University.