Bella Musica: Young Ambassadors of the European Mozart Routes
Mon. 19.12.2022
Film presentation
Film presentation & Review of the Italy Tour 2022: The film shows the successful concert tour of the pre-college students from the three Mozart cities Salzburg, Würzburg and Rome. The trip took them to areas that the young W. A. Mozart also visited during his extensive trips to Italy: Avigliano Umbro/Terni, Rome, Fondi - Terracina, Caserta, Naples and Ala - Rovereto.
05:00 pm
17.00 o'clock
Kleines Studio
Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg
Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg
Hollitzer Group Vienna
The highlight of the trip was the performance in the great hall of the "Conservatorio Musica San Pietro a Majella" with works by Mozart, Fauré, Stamitz, Bruch, Crusell, Massenet and Skoryk. in 2022, a new cooperation with one of the most important musical institutions in Italy was additionally agreed upon: The "Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Majella" from Naples is now further partner of the project "Bella Musica".