Practicing Care

Verleihung Ehrenprofessur Maria Kalesnikava  | © Christian Schneider

"Practicing Care" is a long-term project launched in the summer semester of 2022 that deals with the transnational social responsibility of an art academy. The numerous new forms of protest and decentralised care networks, which found expression in the activities of the Belarusian opposition in 2020 and were led primarily by women, were the inspiration for the design of the project format.

Christoph Lepschy

"To remember hundreds of political prisoners in Belarus, but also in Russia and worldwide, to remind ourselves as teachers and students at an arts university that art and politics, personal and social freedom and resistance to their oppression can never be treated as separate issues, the Senate of the Mozarteum University awarded Maria Kalesnikava an honorary professorship on 11 March 2022"

— Senate Chairman Christoph Lepschy


  • Maria Kolesnikowa war eine der Anführerinnen der belarussischen Protestbewegung gegen Machthaber Alexander Lukaschenko 2o20. Im September 2021 wurde sie zu elf Jahren Haft verurteilt. (Quelle: Zeit online) | © Ramil Nasibulin/​BELTA/​AFP/​Getty Images

  • Verleihung Ehrenprofessur an Maria Kalesnikava | © Christian Schneider
    Loud sign for Maria Kalesnikava 

    On 24 April 2024, flautist, democracy campaigner in Belarus and honorary professor at Mozarteum University Maria Kalesnikava will turn 42. However, there has been no sign of life from her for more than a year. Neither her family nor her lawyers are allowed to communicate with her. Despite her fragile state of health following an emergency operation more than a year ago, Maria Kalesnikava is apparently in solitary confinement.

  • Bacharevic Alhierd | © Julia Cimafiejeva

    Press release
  • Woman Life Freedom  | © Christian Schneider
    Jin, Jiyan, Azadiˆ - زن زندگى آزادى - Zan. Zendegi. Azadi. 

    With the solidarity event "Woman_Life_Freedom" in the framework of "Practicing Care", the Mozarteum University wants to contribute to maintaining public attention on the criminal machinations and the "state-sanctioned killings" (according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights) of the Iranian rulers. At the same time, we want to convey an impression of the concerns and diverse forms of protest, which is supported not least by countless artists.

    Press release
  • Maria Kalesnikava | © Commons Wikimedia
    Concern for Honorary Professor Maria Kalesnikava 

    We are deeply saddened and concerned by the news that the imprisoned Belarusian musician and activist Maria Kalesnikava was transferred from her isolation cell in the penal camp to the intensive care unit of a hospital last Monday. Her family also has no information about her health condition so far and is not allowed to visit her. Our thoughts are with her and we wish her a speedy and full recovery.

    Press release
  • 18.10.2022
    Honorary professorship awarded to Maria Kalesnikava 

    Since the beginning of the year, the project "Practicing Care" has been focusing on the transnational social responsibility of a university of the arts with a variety of activities. Exemplary for these activities is the awarding of an honorary professorship by the Senate of the Mozarteum University to the Belarusian flautist, pedagogue and civil rights activist Maria Kalesnikava, who was sentenced to 11 years of penal colony in her home country. Dorothee Oberlinger and Olga Shparaga, among others, will participate in the program of the ceremony on October 30.

    Press release

Past Events

  • 20.4.2024
    05:00 pm
    Kleines Studio
    Practicing Care
    Practicing Care: Connection
    "Connection" is a solo performance about political prisoners and politicians, about freedom and imprisonment, about decisions and consequences, about guilt and responsibility, about strength and weakness. It is a piece about the lack of connection with political prisoners.
    · Free
  • 29.3.2023
    07:00 pm
    Theater im KunstQuartier
    Practicing Care
    Practicing Care: The Revolution Has a Female Face
    with Olga Shparaga, Annemarie Türk, Aylin Rieger and acting students of the Thomas Bernhard Institute
  • 15.12.2022
    07:00 pm
    Practicing Care
    Salzburg Lecture: Olga Shparaga
    Care, Feminism, and the Revolution-in-Progress.
  • 30.10.2022
    05:00 pm
    Practicing Care
    Honorary professorship awarded to Maria Kalesnikava
    The ceremony to mark the award will be opened by Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr on October 30.
    · Free
  • 24.10.2022
    07:30 pm
    Das Kino
    Practicing Care
    Courage - Film & Talk
    The film takes a very personal look at the events and gives a gripping insight into the lives of people in Belarus today who are fighting for their freedom and the right to democracy.
    Film presentation
  • 14.10.2022
    07:00 pm
    Practicing Care
    Ljawon Wolski as a guest on Music Talk at Rockhouse Salzburg
    "THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN'": Lyavon Wolski, author of the most famous Belarusian protest song "Three Turtles", talks in the Rockhouse about his experiences as a protest singer, about the genre of the protest song and its possibilities and limits in the mid-20th century and today.
    · Free