Arbitration Commission

The tasks of the Arbitration Commission include mediating in disputes between members of the University. In fulfilling its tasks, the arbitration commission shall work towards reaching an agreement between the parties involved. Pursuant to § 43 UG, all organs and members of the university are obliged to provide the members of the arbitration commission with information on the matter and to participate in contact discussions.

The members of the arbitration commission shall not be bound by any instructions or orders in the exercise of this function. Matters subject to legal proceedings and performance appraisals do not fall within the competence of the Arbitration Commission. It is therefore not called upon to intervene, for example, in matters of study law (according to the UG 2002 and the statutes of the Mozarteum University), habilitation or service law proceedings.

Furthermore, the Arbitration Commission decides on complaints of the Working Group for Equal Treatment Issues regarding discrimination on the basis of gender by the decision of a university body. If no agreement can be reached between the parties involved, the Arbitration Commission shall decide in certain cases (- establishment, substantial change or termination of an employment or training relationship -) by means of a decision. The legal opinion of the arbitration commission is binding on the university body responsible for the personnel decision; however, both the equal opportunities working group and the university body concerned can lodge an appeal against the decision with the Administrative Court.

The contact point for applications to the Arbitration Commission is the office of the Arbitration Commission (Schrannengasse 10a). Applications must be submitted in writing and must contain detailed reasons. Students can get support and advice on formulating their request and filing an application from the legal department of the Student Union.


Mag. Eva Hager-Forstenlechner

Other members:

  • Hofrat i.R. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Larcher
  • Mag. Gertraud Steinkogler-Wurzinger
  • Dr. Johannes Honsig-Erlenburg
  • Mag. Alexandra Schmidt

Substitute members:

  • Albert Weilguny
  • A.o. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. iur. Gerhard Pirklbauer
  • Mag. Hildegard Schreckeis-Nägele
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Monika Oebelsberger
  • Dr. Thomas Bodmer
  • A.o. Univ.-Prof. Cordelia Höfer-Teutsch