Illustration einer Trompete


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  • Projekt GTT - Leerlauf

    Idling refers to the operation of a system or machine without it doing the work for which it is intended. When does an activity make sense? Is idling a reset? a cure? a pause? What happens during the idle time?

    Student project
  • Swing! - Designtage Salzburg - Studierende Gestaltung: Technik.Textil

    The students approached the design through different parameters: For one, the starting point was movement, for another the material, for a third the form or even the target group, and for the last the function. Courage! and laziness! are terms that the various objects proudly trumpet to their future users.

    Student project
  • Gestaltung: Technik.Textil | © Patrick Schaudy

    On the design of everyday life: As part of the design project "I (discover) the table", eleven students of the subject Design: Technology.Textiles asked themselves questions about eating together. How do I eat? What do I eat? Where do I eat? With what do I eat? With whom do I eat? And how do the others eat?

    Student project
  • Zeit. Bewegen_Natalie Ventola

    Students of the master's project Textiles in Motion at the University Mozarteum Salzburg first dealt with their location in the city of Salzburg, the city in which they moved every day. The question arose as to their very personal 'favourite places' within the city.

    Student project