Mozart in minor meets Archive In two open workshop phases, students from the Department of Scenography and teachers from the Mozarteum University met with employees of the Red Bull Media House to examine and explore sounds in a minor key by W. A. Mozart and the fascinating visual worlds of the Red Bull Media House film and image archive.
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Overground Resistance: free_space for students In collaboration with the artist and curator Oliver Ressler, Magdalena Hofer, a student at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, has developed an exhibition design for "Overground Resistance" at frei_raum Q21 in Vienna's MuseumsQuartier that opens up spaces.
News -
Menner You know who nobody wants to work with right now? With white old men. We've stepped out of comfort zones, questioned images of masculinity and dissected vulnerabilities, owned wide leather chairs, discussed talk shows, speech share, mansplaining, manspreading and clichés in them. And ... how do white old men actually smell? A collage-like scenic work about the attempt at a dialogue - Master's project from the Applied Theatre degree course.
Student project -
Julia Soost and Veit Vergara win animated film competition of the Konzerthaus Munich At the Department of Scenography, under the direction of the filmmaker and video artist Alexander du Prel, numerous animated films have been created at the Mozarteum University. The special feature: classical animation techniques are combined with digital recording techniques, the individual images are drawn individually on paper in analog form and then digitally stitched together, so that the films retain the charm of traditional animation. There is no other university or college in the German-speaking world that still works with this technique.
Awards & Successes -
At night The starting point for the film NIGHT is the Fantasy in D minor by W. A. Mozart, perhaps the most played piano piece, at least among young music students, which inspired a cinematic narrative in which the composer's biographical approaches and musical elements of the composition were associatively transformed into a woman's nocturnal journey through a big city, played by Jenny Schily.
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