The International Society of Mozarteum University Salzburg finances an ensemble scholarship for students or graduates of the Mozarteum University - interdisciplinary concepts are welcome!
+++ Registration for the entrance examination for pedagogical programmes and Pre-College still possible until 28th March 2025 - all further information on the course pages! +++
The International Society of Mozarteum University Salzburg finances an ensemble scholarship for students or graduates of the Mozarteum University - interdisciplinary concepts are welcome!
‘Designing Voices for Our Lives’ - at the World Expo 2025 in Osaka! The Mozarteum University invites students to participate in a unique choir project that will culminate in a special concert on 23 May 2025 at the World Expo in Osaka, Japan.
Martin Schneider (graduate baroque violin / baroque viola with Mayumi Hirasaki, master's degree in historical performance practice with Reinhard Goebel) was awarded the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research's appreciation prize on 21 November 2024 in Vienna.
In autumn 2024, bass-baritone Lisandro Abadie, actress Hanna Binder, conductor Christiane Büttig, visual artist Annette Fauvel, guitarists Giuseppe Feola and Bozhana Pavlova, cultural and media scientist Paul Feigelfeld, composer Laure M. Hiendl, pianist Lei Meng, soprano Allison Oakes and violist German Tcakulov will take up their positions as university professors at the Mozarteum University. We are looking forward to the collaboration!
The presentation concert of the scholarship holders of the newly created ensemble scholarship A (one-year) Start Up for Ensemble(s) took place in the impressive ambience of Schloss Leopoldskron at the beginning of April. In cooperation with "The International Society of Mozarteum University Salzburg", over 44.000 euros will be made available to students or graduates of the Mozarteum University Salzburg.
With the first edition of the new interdisciplinary ORA Early Music Festival, the Mozarteum University is celebrating a special premiere. Over three days, early music, contemporary musical language and improvisation come together in numerous concerts and sound performances.
The International Society of Mozarteum University Salzburg finances an ensemble scholarship for students or graduates of the Mozarteum University - interdisciplinary concepts are welcome!
Recorder player Max Volbers and baroque violinist Mayumi Hirasaki were recently awarded an OPUS KLASSIK 2023. A conversation about the lively character of early music, the search for the new and the intensive research into the repertoire at the Department of Early Music at the Mozarteum University.
Mayumi Hirasaki (Univ.-Prof. of Baroque Violin) is honored in the category “Concert Recording of the Year” for her CD “Pisendel” with Concerto Köln on the Berlin Classic label, Max Volbers (Senior Lecturer at the Department of Early Music) in the category “ Young Artist of the Year” for his CD “Whispers of Tradition” on the Genuin label.
Numerous master classes, a contemporary BaroqueLab, concerts and an opera production: The Baroque Summer Academy of the Department of Early Music of the Mozarteum University will take place for the third time in 2023 within the framework of the renowned Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, Italy. A highlight in 2023 is the performance of the baroque opera "Dido & Aeneas" by H. Purcell with contemporary prologue and epilogue "Elissa" by Henry Fourès and Rector Elisabeth Gutjahr. "Elissa" was successfully premiered at the Mozarteum University in June 2023.
Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek was a guest at the Mozarteum University on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 and congratulated students on their various engagements at the Salzburg Festival. In a conversation lasting just under an hour, the students told how their engagements came about and why the Salzburg Festival can be an important stage for the future.
Festive music from Versailles characterizes the pre-Christmas season with Grands Motets from France. With soloists, the vocalEnsemble and the Baroque Orchestra of the Mozarteum University, truly great sounds are heard under the direction of Jörn Andresen.
On February 3, 2021, the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena and the Mozarteum University in Salzburg launched a unique program: a series of master classes to deepen the study of Baroque music, beginning in the summer of 2021.