Cultural Hotspots

Spot On MozART
Spot On MozART

The Mozart city of Salzburg offers many opportunities to get to know the musical heritage of the genius loci. But where are these Mozart cultural hotspots hiding? A smartphone app sends interested people on a voyage of discovery in the city of Salzburg and acts as a link between music-historical places and Mozart's music.

A project by
Andreas Bernhofer,
Michaela Schwarzbauer
and Elisabeth Wieland

An interactive map makes it possible to experience musical encounters with 'all the senses'. But the app is also intended as an invitation to become creatively active oneself and to share one's experiences with others: An additional upload function invites users to make their own personal hotspots visible to others and, in the spirit of citizen science, to let the virtual map grow dynamically. In this way, testimonies of the past and the present can interpenetrate each other in many ways.