Lukas-Fabian Moser | © Elsa Okazaki
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Lukas-Fabian Moser


Senior Lecturer for Composition & Aural TrainingDepartment Composition & Music Theory
Lukas-Fabian Moser (*1983 in Freiburg) studied mathematics, school music, aural training and music theory in Munich. After briefly working as a high school teacher, he received teaching assignments for music theory, aural training and media studies at the conservatories in Munich, Dresden and Hanover. From 2017 to 2019, he was a lecturer in music theory at the PH Ludwigsburg; since 2018, he has been a senior lecturer at the Mozarteum University. In addition to his university activities, he is artistically and pedagogically active as a cellist, singer and conductor.

Informationen für Studierende:


My main focus is on teaching composition, ear training and solfeggio in concert, IGP and teacher training courses. 

Those interested in private lessons in the following subjects

  • Piano practice BA (BA courses in piano, choral/orchestral conducting and music theory)
  • Piano practice BA (IGP degree programmes)
  • please contact me in good time, if possible already in the pre-semester.

The same applies to students who would like to write their Bachelor's thesis with me: I supervise theses on topics from music theory, analysis, didactics of music theory/aural training etc. and accept Bachelor theses written in German or English (not Spanish).